For display advertising in The Iowa Source, call Claudia at (641) 472-4852 or email source@lisco.com.
- Display Ad Rates
- Ad Sizes
- Deadlines & Acceptable Materials
- IowaSource.com Banner Ads
- Terms & Conditions
- Distribution Locations
Color Display Advertising Rates. Discounts available with contract for 3 months, 6 months or one year. Prices shown below are ad costs PER MONTH. Contact us for black & white ad pricing!
Size | 1 time | 3 times | 6 times | 1 year |
Back Cover | 895 | 870 | 828 | 796 |
Inside Front Cover | 875 | 849 | 814 | 784 |
Page 3 | 854 | 824 | 810 | 776 |
Pages 4-5 | 834 | 790 | 764 | 727 |
Full Page | 790 | 754 | 734 | 699 |
3/4 Page | 660 | 630 | 607 | 564 |
1/2 Page | 485 | 463 | 439 | 425 |
1/3 Page | 377 | 350 | 334 | 310 |
1/4 Page | 285 | 270 | 260 | 249 |
1/6 Page | 197 | 183 | 174 | 155 |
1/8 Page | 166 | 155 | 123 | 108 |
1/12 Page | 118 | 110 | 106 | 99 |
1/16 Page | 88 | 82 | 79 | 73 |
1/24 Page | 69 | 62 | 59 | 55 |
Add 15% for guaranteed right-facing page placement. |
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Ad Sizes and Dimensions
Size | Orientation | Width | Depth |
Full Page | 9-3/4″ | 14″ | |
3/4 Page | 9-3/4″ | 10-5/16″ | |
1/2 Page | Vertical | 4-3/4″ | 14″ |
1/2 Page | Horizontal | 9-3/4″ | 6-7/8″ |
1/3 Page | Vertical | 4-3/4″ | 9-1/4″ |
1/3 Page | Horizontal | 9-3/4″ | 4-1/2″ |
1/4 Page | Vertical | 4-3/4″ | 6-7/8″ |
1/4 Page | Horizontal | 9-3/4″ | 3-5/16″ |
1/6 Page | Horizontal | 4-3/4″ | 4-1/2″ |
1/8 Page | Vertical | 2-1/4″ | 6-7/8″ |
1/8 Page | Horizontal | 4-3/4″ | 3-5/16″ |
1/12 Page | Vertical | 2-1/4″ | 4-1/2″ |
1/12 Page | Horizontal | 4-3/4″ | 2-1/8″ |
1/16 Page | 2-1/4″ | 3-5/16″ | |
1/24 Page | 2-1/4″ | 2-1/8″ |
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Deadlines – Issue and Closing Dates – PLEASE NOTE: We sometimes have space available after the closing dates, so please call us even if it is after the 20th: 641-472-4852.
Issue | Display Ad Closing | Camera Ready Materials Due* |
February | January 15 | January 20 |
March | February 15 | February 20 |
April | March 15 | March 20 |
May | April 15 | April 20 |
June | May 15 | May 20 |
July | June 15 | June 20 |
August | July 15 | July 20 |
September | August 15 | August 20 |
October | September 15 | September 20 |
November | October 15 | October 20 |
Dec.-Jan. | November 15 | November 20 |
*Approx. dates. Deadline varies slightly with actual print date. |
Acceptable Advertising Materials
We prefer PDF files – fonts must be embedded and the resolution should be set at 180 dpi. TIFFs or JPEGs are also acceptable – please make sure they are set at 180 dpi. All color ads should be set for CMYK. If you have any other questions, please call us at (641) 472-4852.
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IowaSource.com Banner Ads
We have 468×60 and various 120 wide banner ad positions available on www.iowasource.com. Call Claudia at (641) 472-4852 or email source@lisco.com for more information.
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Terms & Conditions
- Positioning of Advertising: Positioning is at the discretion of the publisher except for premium positions (listed in Rates section) requested in writing and acknowledged by the publisher or sales representative.
- New Account Credit Policy: All new advertisers must prepay in full for their first two ads.
- Cancellations: Must be received by the 20th of the month prior to publication or advertiser will be responsible for payment.
- Contracts: Frequency discounts are available only on the basis of written contract. 3x and 6x contracts include 6-month rate protection; 11x contracts include 1-year rate protection. If an advertiser elects to purchase a larger space than specified in the existing contract, the advertiser shall be entitled to receive only the dollar amount of discount for his contracted display ad size applied to the one-time rate for the larger ad.
- Terms: Net 15 days from the date of publication. A 1-1⁄2% service charge will be applied to all past due invoices.
- Limited Liability: All display advertising is submitted camera ready. The publisher assumes no liability for errors in submitted display ads. The publisher is not liable for delays in distribution or non-distribution in the event of natural acts, action by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity, strikes, material shortages, or any condition beyond the control of the publisher affecting production or distribution in any manner.
- Changes in Terms and Conditions: Terms and conditions other than rates are subject to change by the publisher without notice.
- Approval of Advertising: The Iowa Source reserves the right to reject any advertisement, space reservation, or position commitment that does not meet the publisher’s standards.
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Distribution Locations
The Iowa Source is published eleven times a year, with a double issue for December and January (so we can take a little break). We distribute at over 500 locations throughout eastern and central Iowa, from Cedar Rapids in the north, to Fort Madison in the south, from Ottumwa in the west to Burlington in the east. Copies are also mailed to Grinnell and Decorah.
If you would like to be a distribution location, or know of someone who would, please email Claudia or call (641) 472-4852.
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