Post-Cycling Stretches | Recommended Postures After Your Ride

Tyson Dimmitt

Tyson Dimmitt of Fulcrum Bodywork & Fitness recommends the following postures either after a bicycle ride or on your rest days. These exercises should be done for 2 to 5 minutes on each side.

• Lie on your belly, propping yourself up on your elbows, arching your spine and gently pulling your chin back. Allow the position to be restful and let gravity do the work for you.

• Do a lunge resting your back knee on the ground. Place your hands on your front knee and gently press the hips forward while squeezing the big muscles of the buttocks. This stretch releases and lengthens the hip flexors.

• Stretch out your calf muscles by placing the toes of one foot on a vertical object or wall while keeping your heel on the ground. The other foot should be slightly behind the flexed foot. Lean into the toes while you keep both legs straight.

• Decompress your wrists by hanging from a pull-up bar. If this is too intense, you can rest your feet on a box underneath you while hanging from the bar.