Are you crushing on Christmas trees? This weekend marks the opening of festivals throughout the state that celebrate decorated trees and raise funds for charities at the same time. We’ve selected a few of our favorite “Festivals of Trees” from our calendar:
Friday, Nov. 24th-Sunday, Dec. 17th • Tannenbaum Forest. Over 40 Christmas trees decorated by local businesses are on display in a century-old barn. With live music, holiday goodies, and more. Festhall Barn, Amana. Proceeds benefit the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. Weekends through Dec. 17. (319) 622-7622.
Fri-Sat Nov. 24th-25th • The Festival of Trees. Decorated trees and wreaths for sale. Baked goods, kids’ activities, and visits from Santa. Friday 10-8, Saturday 10-4. Benefit for Little Superheroes. Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield. (641) 233-7600.
Fri-Sat-Sun Nov. 24th–26th • Quad City Arts Festival of Trees. Gorgeous trees, gingerbread houses, kids’ activities, entertainment, winter train display, and more. Various times, RiverCenter Great Hall, Davenport. QuadCityArts.com.
Fri-Sat-Sun Dec. 1st–3rd • Christmas in the Villages: Festival of Trees. Silent auction for decorated trees, wreaths, and tabletop displays. Various times, Roberts Memorial Center, Hwy 1 N, Keosauqua. VillagesofVanBuren.com.