Consumers Shocked by GMOs in Natural Foods | Kashi Increases Commitment to Non-GMO Foods After Social Media Firestorm

Following a social media controversy that saw Kashi cereals pulled from shelves in a Rhode Island natural food store, Kashi Cereals recently announced a stronger commitment to non-GMO and organic products.

In late April 2012, John Wood, owner of the Green Grocer, based in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, posted a sign saying that Kashi "natural" cereal products were pulled from the store shelves because of the presence of genetically modified ingredients and pesticide residues in the products.

Kashi, along with several other "natural" cereals, had been the subject of a Cereal Crimes report by the Cornucopia Institute, which described how the cereals had tested positive for GMOs.

Shortly thereafter, a photo of the sign went viral on the web. More than 11,000 "shares" from just one of many Facebook pages spread across the web, and angry consumers began calling and writing Kashi and posting comments on the company’s Facebook page expressing their outrage at being misled by the company’s marketing spin. An article about the controversy appeared in USA Today.
The incident is the latest chapter in the ongoing controversy over unregulated "natural" claims on food products.

Aiming to quell the controversy, Kashi announced an initiative to increase the company’s availability of organic and Non-GMO Project Verified foods. By the end of 2014, all existing Kashi GOLEAN cereals and Chewy Granola Bars—representing Kashi’s biggest offerings—will be Non-GMO Project Verified. Beginning in 2015, all new Kashi foods introduced into the market will contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients and will also be Non-GMO Project Verified.

Reprinted by permission of The Organic and Non-GMO Report. For more information and to receive a free issue, visit