The grassroots, volunteer-run Little Free Pantry movement is alive and well in Jefferson County, with ten pantries in Fairfield and one to be installed in Lockridge by June. Little Free Pantries contain food, personal care items, and paper products available to anyone who needs them, no questions asked. They provide an anonymous and immediate way for neighbors to pick up whatever they need. The motto of the movement is “Take what you need, give what you can.”
The Lockridge pantry will be installed by the time school is out, with the help of Girl Scout Troop #2564 and Boy Scout Troop #64. In Fairfield, new boxes have been added to 104 N. Court Street (Thymely Solutions) and 401 E. Buchanan. Fairfield’s tenth pantry is slated for the southwest part of town.
With the addition of the Lockridge box, Fairfield Little Free Pantries has changed its name to Jefferson County Little Free Pantries (JCLFP). The pantries are meant to supplement the remarkable efforts of the Lord’s Cupboard of Jefferson County and Carry On Bags. Organizations that wish to establish new pantries can contact Deb Pogel (dpogel@gmail.com). JCLFP can assist with building funds, construction guides, and promotion. Donations can be sent to Divine Star Charities, 200 W. Washington, Fairfield, Iowa 52556.
Check the JCLFP Facebook page for updates.